Is service more valuable than technology?
Like it or not, your business is dependent on technology equipment and hardware to function properly. Between computers, servers, printers, scanners and fax machines, your company needs its equipment in optimum working condition at all times.
In reality, machines malfunction and servers go down. So, what’s a company to do when its office equipment is on the fritz? More importantly, when is office equipment service more valuable than technology?
When your equipment is down, your company is losing money, so here are a few things to look for when selecting your office equipment provider:
• Quality of Service: Prompt service and reliability are essential qualities you should discuss with your potential technology partner before making a selection.
• Local Presence: Your relationship with your provider will impact your daily operations and your return on investment. You’ll often find that a local presence can provide you with the flexibility of service your business needs.
• Referrals: Request referrals from potential providers. These should give you a good indication of overall satisfaction with prospective dealers. Also, ask about a provider’s history of success within your industry and where they foresee growth in the future.
At the end of the day, service can be more valuable than technology. Century Business Products is a proven company that strives to provide excellent service at a local level. Our award winning service department works hard to ensure our customers and their businesses run efficiently at all times.