Century introduces new logo
In 1984 Dave and Mary Tidwell purchased the office equipment portion of Business Resources and started a company named Century Business Products. For nearly thirty years the company has grown and evolved into a trusted business partner for many businesses across the state and into Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska.
The company has continued to grow with the acquisition of companies in Sioux City, Madison, Brookings as well as new offices that opened in Rapid City over ten years ago. Over those years, the one thing that didn’t change was the company name and logo.
Now, Century Business Products has a new logo. The new look mirrors the evolution of our industry: office equipment is so much more than copiers. Today Century is a provider of software, hardware and business workflows.
The new look provides the progressive and changing aspect of our business. The transition will take time, you may see our name as Century with the business products separate. Century is our name and business products is what we provide.
Yes, the look is changing but we are still the same local company you have known and trusted for nearly thirty years.