Get Out From Under Your Piles of Paper
Regardless of all the advances in technology, many offices are still inundated with paper records. Clutter control is essential for a business to be truly efficient. If your employees are buried beneath mountains of paperwork, it’s time to consider an electronic document management system (EDMS) instead of continuing to rely on old-fashioned file cabinets. Dakota Riggers, a Sioux Falls company has been utilizing a system from Century Business for almost four years. “The system that was designed for us works great. Our goal was to be completely paperless within six months of installation. We met that goal and have been extremely happy. Our business is operating more efficiently, we are spending little time looking for documents, we are more responsive to our customers and we are able to invoice considerably faster allowing for better cash flow within the business,” said General Manager, Nick Gladue.
To help save time and money, document management systems store digital copies of your documents in an organized, online repository that’s accessible from practically anywhere in the world. You simply scan your paper documents to convert them into electronic versions.
These electronic copies can be indexed with any pertinent details or information to make them easier to track and find in the future. Whenever this digital file is needed, a user can easily locate the document by searching for it with the help of the indexes or keywords. The days of having to leave your desk to dig through volumes of paper or files to find materials will become a thing of the past. As a result, you’ll see a vast increase in productivity throughout your entire organization.
The cost of storing data has dropped significantly as technology has improved. Consider this, roughly 200,000 documents (more than 10 filing cabinets) can be stored on one gigabyte of memory, installing an electronic document management system makes great business sense.
Of course, there are several other advantages of virtual document management over relying on folders stored in traditional file cabinets. Electronic files won’t be lost or misplaced the way paper files often are, and they can be easily and securely shared among your organization. You can save money by eliminating the need to accommodate the ever-increasing storage requirements associated with hard copies or paper documents.
Century Business Products has multiple document management solutions available that can be tailored to your business needs, Century has software available for those with servers or those looking for a secure cloud solution with a local twist. Costs have become more reasonable than ever, a business can lease the software to own or with our cloud based system pay a monthly subscription that handles software and data storage with no I.T. intervention. A typical small business can find an effective solution for a modest investment and would be designed with automated scanning technologies. Get out from underneath the piles of paper littering your office.
Contact Century Business for more information or email [email protected] to request more information.