Lunch & Learn in Pierre and Aberdeen
The Lunch & Learns being provided by Century Business Products is a great way to take technology to the customer. The recent tour was in Pierre on Tuesday, May 16 and then in Aberdeen on Thursday, May 18. Educating and demonstrating how technology on the Kyocera product line can seamlessly integrate into a current businesses workflow is a real eye opening experience. Many customers think of us as the copier people, and that is true but with a little attitude. The product lines are very similar to smart phones now allowing end users to integrate applications into their business systems which expands the capabilities of a traditional copier for more efficient use of an employees time, being efficient is the name of the game.
Once the applications have been demonstrated then demoing our Document Management systems is the next step, how does it work, how will it make me efficient, will it make us more compliant, can I do workflows are all questions that come up once the demonstrations are in full swing.
These sessions have been a huge success to our current and potential new customers to better understand how Century has adapted to technology in the workplace. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected] or call our number 1-800-529-1950