Windows 10 Update Continues to Cause Problems with Network Printing
Are you experiencing printing issues after the latest Windows 10 Update? Windows 10 users and administrators have reported widescale network printing issues after installing the KB5006670 cumulative update and other security updates recently. As a service to Century’s customers were including a link that may help solve some of the issues that these updates are causing.
The October server patch does not seem to break any connections with many of our customers. However, when the end users run the October security patch, no jobs are being sent to print drivers shared from the server. They sit idle “spooling” on the local PC, the document name shows something along the lines of “local down level”. Be aware, the jobs are never sent to the server. Century’s technicians have been advising end user to remove the October security patch, when that is done everything tested okay. This issue has been seen on all versions of Windows 10, we have seen a select few users unaffected with this problem.
Click on the network printing issues link to be directed to an article that has more information that may help with the Windows 10 update printing issue.
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